Protrain K9 Academy Puppy Process
We have 1 waitlist, your name moves up the list as people get a puppy. If your name comes up for a puppy and you aren’t ready we will keep you on the waitlist for up to a year from when you first sent us the waitlist form and deposit.
Fill out the puppy waitlist deposit form for an AKC limited registration Golden Retriever puppy, then send the $250 non-refundable deposit with the waitlist form to hold your spot on the waitlist. Contact us to get the address to mail form/deposit. The $250 will go towards the total price of the puppy.
**The waitlist form can be emailed to and once again we will give you the address for a check, cashier’s check/money order to be mailed to or we take Venmo. We will allow 7 days to receive the $250 non-refundable deposit, if we don’t receive it within 7 days we will not hold your spot on the waitlist.
When we receive the $250 waitlist deposit we will confirm where you are on the waitlist.
When the puppies are born and your name is next for a puppy we will contact you for the $200 non-refundable deposit to hold a puppy for you. This $200 non-refundable puppy deposit will also go towards the total price of the puppy.
Puppies are to be picked out between 5-6 weeks old in order of the puppy pick placement from the waitlist.
The balance of the puppy will need to be paid before the puppy goes home (if paying by check the check needs to clear before the puppy goes home).
–Please copy the info below, paste it in email given,
fill out the puppy waitlist deposit form then send it to us–
Protrain K9 Academy Puppy Waitlist Deposit Form
Please use to return the waitlist form for an AKC limited registration Golden Retriever puppy. We will give you the address to mail the waitlist deposit form (if you don’t want to email it) and the $250 non-refundable waitlist deposit (check, cashier’s check/money order should be made out to Protrain K9 Academy). We do take Venmo, contact us for the account name. We do not take credit cards or Paypal at this time.
Please DO NOT send any mail to the address on the website or Facebook page.
Today’s date __________________
Buyer’s name ____________________________
Street address ____________________________
City, State, zip ____________________________
email __________________________________
Phone number (home) _________________
(mobile) _________________
This $250 non-refundable deposit is to hold a place on the Protrain K9 Academy puppy waitlist for an AKC Golden Retriever limited registration. The waitlist deposit will go towards the total price of the puppy.
Would you like a male, female or either ______________
Any other notes from the buyer
Thank you. Protrain K9 Academy Chico, CA (530) 345-9999